Over the past few months, we have received many requests for assistance in research or copies of images displayed on this website.
Previously any request was considered on its own apparent merit.
Unfortunately, demand has now increased to a level where we cannot entertain any future requests.
All displayed images are copyrighted, in some form, and published with the kind permission of the owner/photographer. For us to supply these third-party contributor photographs means we must seek permission from the copyright holder. Due to the amount of time that is required to complete the process and the number of requests it has become unsustainable for us to continue doing this.
Although we hold many reference sources, it is also no longer possible to search for individual subjects.
Please remember that this is a hobby for us. We do not work full time on the website and we both have busy lives outside of DFP. We are not entitled to operate as a “Free” photographic library.
Photos taken by Ray Goodfellow are still available upon request but as before these requests will be considered upon their own merit.
May we also ask that all recent contacts check either (1) that your email address has been entered correctly or (2) your “Spam”/”Trash” boxes to see if our replies have been missed?
Acknowledgement of our replies would also be appreciated.
Thank you for your understanding.
Nigel Thornton & Ray Goodfellow.
Dover Ferry Photos Admin.