On Sunday (26/01/14) we undertook our first crossing of the year, the first of many no doubt. Travelling with P&O Ferries we headed out on the Spirit of France before returning later on in the day on the Pride of Burgundy. The main aim of the trip was to get some new photographs and spend a few hours on Calais pier. This is in fact the first time I have touched a camera since October 2013.
The weather was surprisingly nice when we arrived at the Eastern Docks just before 7am and we were treated to a beautiful sunrise over the Dover Straits. As they say “Red sky at morning, sailors take warning” and this was quiet apt as by the time we returned 5 hours later it was driving rain and blowing a force 9 gale!
After a pleasant breakfast in the Brasserie on the Spirit of France we were soon arriving in Calais and heading for the seafront. As we headed out onto Calais pier the weather was already started to turn with overcast skies and a freshening wind. After a while it got to the stage of thinking why the hell didn’t I bring a pair of gloves!
After capturing a few of the port movements it was time to head back to the ferry terminal for the journey home. By the time we had reached check in the heavens had opened and the rain set in for the rest of the afternoon.
All in all it was a good trip and was really nice to just get out and do some photography once more. Sometimes in life you forget how good it is to just switch off and relax doing something you actually enjoy and I certainly have learnt that I do need to take a break from the riggers of life occasionally so expect a few more photographs in the next month or so.
“Red sky at morning, sailors take warning”
Delft Seaways bathed in morning light loads for Dunkerque
Pride of Canterbury arriving in Dover
Pride of Canterbury arriving in Dover
Pride of Canterbury arriving in Dover
Delft Seaways
Dover Port Control
Pride of Burgundy
Pride of Burgundy
Pride of Burgundy
The Berlioz departing Calais
The Berlioz departing Calais
The Rodin arrives in Calais
The Rodin arrives in Calais
The Rodin arrives in Calais
A weather worn Pride of Canterbury arrives in Calais
A weather worn Pride of Canterbury arrives in Calais
The Spirit of France departs Calais with the Calais Seaways laid up astern
The Spirit of France departs Calais
 The Dunkerque Pilot vessel `P XVI’ arriving in Calais
The Rodin departing Calais
A closeup of the bow of the Rodin as she picks up speed departing Calais
 The Rodin departing Calais
Pride of Canterbury departing Calais
Spirit of Britain and rather a lot of gulls!
Spirit of Britain and rather a lot of gulls!
Spirit of Britain
 Feeding time for the gulls
All photographs were taken with a Canon EOS 550D.
All Photographs on this page are the © Ray Goodfellow (Dover Ferry Photos) 2014, All rights reserved.
I would like to remind you that the photos on this page may not be used without prior permission. If you require high resolution non water marked copies of any my photos for your own private collection or for publication please free to get in contact to discuss your requirements.
Hello, what a rust on those ships, seawater doesn’t good to a ship well perhaps after the winter the could clean it up, ha ha
Hi Henk,
The clean up is already underway as the ships receive there yearly overhauls (refits). The Canterbury, Burgundy, Berlioz and Rodin will receive there yearly maintenance very soon. This Autumn and Winter have certainly given all the ships a battering.
Best Wishes
Brilliant photos as ever! Spirit of Britain, Spirit of France and Delft Seaways certainly look like they’ve had their winter refits – all look brand new!
Hi Jon,
Thanks once again for your kind comments, I really do appreciate them.
They certainly do look a lot better with a fresh coat of paint. I am not sure they will stay looking like that for long though with this prevailing bad weather.
All the best