Admiral Kuznetsov, Peter the Great and a few others….
A Russian naval task force believed to be heading to Syria passed through the Channel on Friday 21st October 2016.
The Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov (063) (Wikipedia: Admiral Kuznetsov), Kirov Class battlecruiser Peter the Great (099) (Wikipedia: Pyotr Velikiy) and their accompanying contingent of seven ships, (including Severomorsk (619) and Vice Admiral Kulakov (626) (Wikipedia: Udaloy Class Destroyer) is understood to be sailing for the Syrian coast to take part in the assault on Aleppo. Separately, two Russian ships are heading north from Portugal to join up with the task-force.
The Fleet were shadowed by HMS Duncan (D37) (Wikipedia: HMS Duncan)
Note: All photos are copyright of Nigel Scutt (Dover-Marina) and are not available through Dover Ferry Photos. No requests, via this site, for copies will be entertained.
All information is believed to be correct and no responsibility is accepted for any errors or omissions. All items included in this article are subject to © copyright. We would like to take this opportunity of sincerely thanking Nigel Scutt (Dover-Marina) for his assistance in producing this feature.