……… and here we are again, Christmas!
Having had a cold, wet, windy past few weeks I felt the need to show what happens to Dover shipping during these times.
A Maritime ” Operation Brock/Stack” queue!
Bring on Spring and Summer!
I thank Ray for supporting me with this platform to write the articles and present accompanying photos.
At the same time I must also thank all contributors, past and present, who provide the site’s foundation
together with all those viewers whose continued visits make it all worthwhile.
For me, a Christmas Break will soon follow other than, hopefully, the annual Christmas Day/Boxing Day pics.
Best wishes.
Nigel Thornton.
P.S. The usual request: If anyone is about the Channel Ports on Christmas Day/Boxing Day taking pics, for addition to Christmas Past at the Port of Dover all would be gratefully received (message me via “Contact Forms”).