Cruise & Maritime Voyages (CMV)

Cruise & Maritime Voyages (CMV) was a British passenger shipping company headquartered in Essex, United Kingdom. It was formed in 2009, by it’s parent company Cruise & Maritime Services International, after the German based Transocean Tours, for whom they were the UK representative filed for bankruptcy. Transocean was sold to South Quay Travel & Leisure Ltd. and was operated as the German branch of Cruise & Maritime Voyages. In March 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Cruise and Maritime Voyages temporarily halted operations, with the majority of its ships laid up at the Port of Tilbury.

On the 20th July 2020 it was announced that Duff & Phelps Ltd. had been appointed Joint Administrators of CMV Holdings London Limited, Cruise & Maritime Voyages Limited, South Quay Travel & Leisure Limited, South Quay Transport Services Limited, Independent Coach Travel (Wholesaling) Limited and Viceroy Limited and that all companies had ceased trading with immediate effect.

On the 9th September 2020 it was announced that all the ships owned by the now defunct Cruise & Maritime Voyages would be sold at auction. Sealed bids were deposited in October 2020 with the vessels departing layup to proceed to their respective new owners in November 2020.

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