With the continuing good weather and a Monday off I headed out early this morning to capture the arrival of the Saga Sapphire and yes, you guessed it, the AIDAluna (hence the Déjà vu, please see my previous photographic post).
As well as the early start their were a couple of other factors against me today. Firstly the Prince of Wales pier was closed for the majority of the arrival of the Saga Sapphire, it wasn’t opened until she had rounded the end of the pier but I captured her as she crossed the bay and once the pier was open, as she was gently eased to her berth. The second factor was the strong sunlight, not normally a problem but I had forgotten my lens hood (that goes to prove that I am an amateur!)
With all factors taken into account please find below some photographs of the Saga Sapphire and the AIDAluna (again).
A sun drenched Port of Dover
The Pride of Canterbury departs as the Saga Sapphire closes up on the port
The Saga Sapphire enters the Eastern entrance to the Port of Dover
Saga Sapphire ‘making fast’ her tugs in the bay
The Saga Sapphire seen approaching the end of the Prince of Wales pier
The AIDAluna passing through the Eastern entrance with the Dunkerque Seaways astern
The Saga Sapphire slowly approaches her berth assisted by the DHB Doughty and DHB Dauntless
The DHB Doughty guiding the Saga Sapphire to her berth……
……… the DHB Dauntless guides her stern
The AIDAluna swings in the bay as the Saga Sapphire makes her way to her berth
The Saga Sapphire slowly approaches her berth assisted by the DHB Doughty and DHB Dauntless
The AIDAluna swinging in the bay
The AIDAluna swings in the bay as the Dunkerque Seaways makes her way astern to her berth
The sun shining off the bow of the AIDAluna
The mooring gang await the AIDAluna
DHB Dauntless (stern), DHB Doughty (bow) and the Director of the Port of Dover Marine Operations department aiding the Saga Sapphire to her berth
AIDAluna at Terminal Two. If you look hard enough you will see the moon above her funnel
Another deja vu from the other day, the Smit Rother departs for the Lydd firing range as the DHB Dauntless heads back to the tug haven
The harbour patrol/pilot launch ‘Director’ making sure nobody gets in the way during the berthing operations
The Saga Sapphire ‘all fast’ at Terminal One
AIDAluna bathed in sunshine
A wide angel shot of the AIDAluna at Terminal Two with the Saga Sapphire at Terminal One
All photographs were taken with a Canon EOS 550D.
All Photographs on this page are the © Ray Goodfellow (Dover Ferry Photos) 2014, All rights reserved.
I would like to remind you that the photos on this page may not be used without prior permission. If you require high resolution non water marked copies of any my photos for your own private collection or for publication please free to get in contact to discuss your requirements.
Saga Sapphire Renamed Blue Sapphire Departed Tilbury 23/07/2020 {1430} Destination Gibralter then Marmaris Turkey arrival on 06/08/2020 {0730}